
We are a Buddhist-inspired charity working to benefit the local community, while putting our values into practice.

We aim to put compassion into action, building local connections and cohesion so we can all enjoy the rich diversity of our area. 

Story Telling Workshop

Our core values:

  • Respect for diversity of individuals, cultural background and personal circumstances;

  • Encouragement of cross-cultural understanding and collaboration;

  • Compassionate and positive regard for the unique experience and creative potential of each and every individual;

  • Promotion of awareness of self, others and the wider environment;

  • Encouragement of community cohesion by addressing the needs of marginalized groups and individuals;

  • Positive commitment to provide accessibility in the design and delivery of our services and the use of clear communication and accessible language;

  • Promotion of inclusiveness to overcome barriers in delivering our services;

  • Provision of a positive, ethical and caring environment for those working as well as those learning with GCP.

How we work

The way that we work is as important to us as the outcomes of what we do. We commit to accessibility, inclusiveness, clear and kind communication in service delivery. We work to create positive, ethical and caring working and learning environments.

Our Aims

  • To provide access to a wide range of wellbeing, educational, social and creative activities for local people, especially for residents who are considered disadvantaged or marginalised. 

  • To develop and offer innovative community projects which meet the needs of local residents.

  • To provide courses and activities that will support participants to discover tools and skills to improve their health, wellbeing and social connectedness in the long term (i.e. after participation in projects).

  • To promote cross-cultural collaboration and community cohesion in all our projects, encouraging the interaction of people from the various strands within the community.

  • To encourage the growth of imagination, self-expression and clear communication, and health and well-being of local disadvantaged residents.

  • To provide help to individuals and families to enable them to overcome difficulties that may hinder their participation in what we offer.


Our Supporters

Our work is generously supported by individual donors, and a wonderful network of local volunteers. We gratefully acknowledge support from trusts and foundations, which in recent years have included Gateway Housing Community Chest, European Social Fund, London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council, Comic Relief Fund, Wakefield & Tetley Trust, Worshipful Company of Weavers, Yapp Charitable Trust, Emergence Foundation, Mercer's Company, London Catalyst, Foyle Foundation and City Bridge Trust.


Frequently Asked Questions

+ What does ‘Buddhist-inspired’ mean?

Our charity was founded by people involved with the London Buddhist Arts Centre in Bethnal Green, many of whom were practicing at the nearby London Buddhist Centre, part of the worldwide Triratna Buddhist Community. Globe Community Project was established to benefit the local community through compassionate action. We want our work to benefit as many of the groups who make up our local community as possible.

+ How do you meet local needs?

We match skilled people, mostly from the local Buddhist community, with the most pressing local needs, according to our 2017 needs assessment, or needs expressed by other local organisations or entities. We then fundraise to carry out these projects together.

+ Do you only work in Tower Hamlets?

Our purpose is to work in Globe Town and surrounding areas. So far, our work has mostly been in Tower Hamlets, although participants may sometimes come from further afield.

+ Where do your funds come from?

GCP's work is funded by a combination of grants from trusts and foundations, grants from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (at times), regular donations from supporters, and funds raised through events and collections. We are regulated by the Fundraising Regulator, and are committed to the Fundraising Promise. If you have any concerns about our fundraising, you can get in touch and ask for a copy of our complaints procedure.

+ Do you have funding for other local organisations?

We are not a grant-giving charity. Try the Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Service for free advice and support to help develop your organisation.

+ Why do some of your people have additional names?

Some of our people are ordained members of the Triratna Buddhist Community and have been given Buddhist names on their ordination. These names have meanings which describe the qualities of that person. For example, our former Chair Susanne Powlesland also used her Buddhist name ‘Sraddhapuspa,’ which means ‘blossoming faith.’