Supporting disadvantaged older residents in Tower Hamlets who are experiencing low wellbeing and social isolation to cope with ageing and live well, whatever life throws their way.
Tower Hamlets has by far the highest proportion of older people in receipt of adult social care in England, and two thirds have a long-term limiting health problem or a disability. Tower Hamlets’ older residents are also amongst the loneliest in England, based on 2016 data from Public Health England estimating subjective loneliness for older people at local authority level. Poor health, deprivation, widowhood and living alone are all factors which are considered to contribute towards this high level of loneliness.
Our six week Wellbeing for Over 60s courses provide participants with wellbeing tools to adjust to aging and low mood in a positive way, the chance to develop interest and ability to make links with other older people, and to take part more fully in the community and access the support they need. We keep groups small in order to give each person the kind of tailored in-depth support which has real transformative potential.
The project runs from April 2020 to May 2023, reaching 20 older people a year. It is funded by the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington, and in addition to their existing funding, they generously provided an extra grant in November 2020 to provide immediate support during the 2nd and 3rd UK lockdowns. We provided a creative programme of one-to-one phone calls, mindful walks and nature connection, post packs and gifts to maintain support and connection through lockdown.
“I’m not very good on my own… It’s given me confidence to walk a bit. Getting washed and dressed, getting my coat on. It’s given me confidence to go out.”
“It makes you feel that much better, that people are listening to what you’re saying… things like that make you feel valuable, because your brain is still working, even though your body is just falling apart.”
“It has helped me with my health, and stopped me from thinking inwardly about myself all the time.”
Participants experience benefits including:
Social connection that went beyond superficial ‘hellos’
Feeling less alone
Meeting new people
Making friends
Feeling cared about and valued
Improved self-esteem
Learning to manage difficult thoughts and feelings
More confident to express thoughts and feelings to others
Being less inward and self-focused
Dwelling more on the positive
Better understanding how other people think
Being fully listened to
Becoming less judgemental and more understanding
Participants learn and develop new skills
Going for a walk and opening your eyes to things around you
How to relax
Breathing exercises
Calming down
Knowing when to stop and take a breather, do a little relaxation when things are getting a bit much
In the morning I get up and get a cup of tea and watch the birds
How to be in the moment when times get difficult